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 EMBODIED INTERFACE  (E.I.) is a three-part project that articulates research, creation and discussion around network art through Asia, Latin America and Europe. 


E.I. has the multiple aim to review an earlier stage of the history of art developed with and by the influence of the advent of network technologies, but as well to feature contemporary artists whose practices explore different relationships between the physical body, the production and the consumption of network technologies. 

“Net art is not a movement. It is more a transition, an ongoing evolution of the practice and reception of art, culture as well as science and academia, which was stimulated by the advent of new network technologies.” Nettitudes: Let’s Talk Net Art Josephine Bosma, 2011

RESEARCH OF THE HISTORY OF NETWORK ART in the regions of Argentina, Slovenia and Taiwan, is the first stage of E.I.

Through talks with key artists from each region (Brian Mackern-Uruguay and Vuk Cosik-Slovenia) the project encompasses varied stories and experiences in relation to which intend to transcend a general view of the expansion of the relationship between technology and art through collective networks both physically and virtually (internet-based).


CREATION OF ARTWORKS: The second stage includes commissioned and existing artworks for online presentation by Thiago Hersan, Yuki Kobayashi and Ronald Bal. Through multiple disciplines and areas of research, these artists encounter in E.I. with different gestures that make visible the complex relationship between body-interface-device. Searching to transcend the binary approach of the digital/physical as well as the url/irl through theoretical research, artistic creation but as well through the working methodology, this project has been developed by practitioners which have a previous working relationship but have not met along the whole stage of the production.


COLLECTIVE DISCUSSION: The presentation of the research and artworks plus a collective discussion by all the participants is the third stage of E.I. which will be presented in a public online event in January 2021. This moment will allow us to elaborate new links among the history of the beginning of and contemporary artistic explorations of interfaces and devices. Issues of access and communitarianism around technology through the different regions will also be discussed. Besides, we aim to reflect with the artists about their experience of creating artworks that will have an online presence mainly.

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Section 1.2: Comparison between Online Curating and Offline Curating

FIRST PART Comparison between Online Curating and Offline Curating


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In project Nature/Databody Bal investigates new relationships between nature and machine, by transforming 2D sonographic images into 3D organic objects. In his research the cyborg, the cybernetic organism plays a key role. Considering the cyborg as a hybrid machine and organism in one.

During his research project Nature / Databody he worked together with scientists of the Technische Universität Dresden specialized in ultra-sound. With this technique he made pictures of multiple body parts, including his organs and brain. These photos are converted to 3D print models and printed into ceramic objects at Sundaymorning@EKWC.

ronald bal profile.jpg


Ronald Bal has been awarded with the ‘Best of graduates’ exhibition at Gallery Ronmandos in Amsterdam and the first prize at LISFE artist competition in Leiden and a residence at C. Rockefeller Center for the Contemporary Arts and Sundaymorning@EKWC. His work is exhibited in several museums and project spaces. Those include Museum MAAT in Lisbon, museum CODA in Apeldoorn, 21 Rozendaal in Enschede, the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, the Grimmuseum in Berlin, the European Culture Centre Palazzo Mora in Venice, and Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Torun. In addition, Ronald Bal participated in various festivals and academic conferences - such as Dhaka Live Art Biennale in Dhaka, Performance Art Oslo in Oslo, Creature Live Art in Kaunas, Venice International Performance Art Week in Venice and the academic conference at Leiden University. He graduated BA ArtEZ in the Netherlands as a visual artist. Further, Ronald Bal is the founder of the Open Performance Academy and Performance Art NL in the Netherlands.

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VUK ĆOSIĆ: A perspective on the myth of the origins of the

Emily Hsiang-Yun Huang, 2021         

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Lecture Performance by Thiago Hersan

Thiago Hersan, Emily Hsiang-Yun Huang, and Daniela Ruiz Moreno, 2021  


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What Happened to Art at the Dawn of the Internet? :A Revision of Net Art from the 90s to 2000s

Daniela Ruiz Moreno and Emily Hsiang-Yun Huang, 2021

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Emily Hsiang-Yun Huang  & Daniela Ruiz Moreno 


Emily Hsiang-Yun Huang 

Rok Kranjc

Daniela Ruiz Moreno 


Santiago Ocampo

   Research and administrative assistant:   

EJ  Chiu


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©2020 por Embodied Interface.

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